Functional DNA Nanostructures-Gold Nanoparticles
for Targeted Gene Therapy Purposes

The DNAnanoGold project (PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1444) is aiming at investigating the possibility of utilizing the 2D DNA nanostructures to create a functional nano-platform for biomedical applications. We expect to precisely attach specific modifications, including fluorophores, membrane penetrating proteins and gold nanoparticles to ensure the nanostructures functionality and selectivity.

DNA origami is a method for the nanoscale folding of DNA to create non-arbitrary two- or three-dimensional nanostructures of different shapes. In DNA origami a long single strand of DNA (scaffold) is folded into arbitrary shapes by hundreds of short synthetic oligonucleotides, referred to as staple strands. Each of the staple strands is designed to bind to different places along the scaffold, thereby bringing these otherwise distant points into close proximity. Collectively, the staple strands determine the precise size and shape of the final, compact structure.
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T. Tørring, N. V. Voigt, J. Nangreave, H. Yan and K. V. Gothelf. "DNA origami: a quantum leap for self-assembly of complex structures". Chem. Soc. Rev., 40, 5636-5646, (2011).